Corporate Innovation Workshop and Certification Program



Establishing a program to develop permanent innovation is a must, nowadays, for Corporation leaders. GlobalTech Bridge has developed this Corporate Innovation Workshop and Certificate Program to give corporate executives the knowledge of how to identify and take advantage of the different sources of innovation, how to implement a process of innovate in corporations and how to implement a long term process within their companies. Top quality lectures, visits and workshops will be provided in three phases across multiple locations.

This Program is intended for C-level executives and/or up-and-coming superstars within established public and private corporations and government organizations, who need to be empowered to make real changes within their organizations.

The Program uses proven processes and methodologies implemented in the Silicon Valley in order to optimize results. Lectures, workshops and mentorship sessions will be run by experienced industry leaders with proven track records and Berkeley faculty. It’s constructed to provide the best cost-effectiveness for program participants as well as university partners.

The three phases of the program are:

  1. A three-day workshop onside at client’ s facilities.

  2. Twenty hours of remote individual mentoring with each participating company to identify innovation opportunities and work on their own program structure

  3. A three-day Silicon Valley/UC Berkley certificate program to learn first-hand real experiences with innovative leader companies, and validate their initial innovation plans

At the end of the program, participant companies will be able to initiate or improve their own innovation program tailored to their specific goals. They will be able to evaluate startups and new technologies that will be appropriate for their future success.

Certificates will be awarded from GlobalTech Bridge as well as UC Berkeley.

The Methodology

The whole program will be run UC Berkeley and Globaltech industry experts in joint venture with consultants from local partners. This three-part program will start with a 3- day workshop with a certificate diploma from Globaltech and the local partner. It will continue with a 20 hours remote mentoring program, distributed over two months, from Partner and Globaltech consultants, to identify individual opportunities of innovation. The program will end with a 3-day workshop in Silicon Valley led by UC Berkeley with visits and interaction with entrepreneurs, corporations, startups and innovation labs.

Phase One: Suggested curriculum at client’s location

Day One- The innovation concepts and best practices

Tenets of Corporate Global Innovation Sources of Innovation

Internal innovation
Inside-out and Outside-in
Working with Universities
Working with Government
Open innovation –hackatons and other practices Working with start ups
Spinouts – Monetizing IP

Technology Trends. How to identify and align

Day Two – Designing products for real problems

Open innovation – Hackathon (workshop) Selecting problems to solve

Creating a team of innovators

Brainstorming solutions
Designing Products for the global world (lecture)

Design thinking methodologies

The lean start up concept and process Go to market strategies (lecture)

Analyzing the market
Segments, business models, pricing Channels strategy
Launching locally/ planning globally Capital needs 

Day Three -Establishing an Innovation infrastructure Internal structure

Venture Funds
Scouting Posts
Methodologies to review startups

What to look for

How to build a pipeline Sources of funding

Bootstrapping Crowdfunding
Angel investors and VCs Corporate investment funds

Local Startup presentations:
Evaluating local startups to present 

Phase Two: Individual Mentorship for Companies

Working on Corporate problems and opportunities. Over 20 hours of dedicated remote mentoring, a pool of Industry and University experts will work with company executives to help identify individual corporate innovation opportunities and begin to structure corporate innovation programs. Globaltech will assign experts who jointly to the Partner’s consultants, will explore individual problems to solve for that company, and solutions to validate at Silicon Valley visit.

Phase Three: Curriculum at UC Berkeley and Silicon Valley Visits

A Three-day program visiting real experiences with Silicon Valley corporations, startups and innovation labs.

Day One: Held at UC Berkeley Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology Lectures and Workshops with UC Berkeley Industry Fellows and Professors
Held at the Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology

Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship (BMoE) Industry Colliders
Berkeley Innovation Index
Tour of Campus and individual meetings

Day Two: Visits to Corporate Innovation Centers and/or Accelerators:

See what the main corporations and corporate venture arms are doing to keep themselves innovative.

We will visit at least three of the following centers: Cisco innovation center

Ericsson Garage
IBM and Watson
AT&T Foundry
Plug & Play Tech Center Corporate Program Citrix Innovation

Google Ventures The Batchery Rocket Space

Day Three: Meet start ups
Meet relevant startups selected to fit visiting corporations interest as identified in the previous session

Summary and Conclusions Review of lessons learned

Sharing materials Plotting out next steps