Technology Transfer 

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Increasing Research Value-Starting a Technology Transfer Program


Governments have started a series of programs to strengthen Innovation ecosystems. One place to find real innovation are Universities and Research labs which have spent substantial time, effort and money in projects which could bring big benefits to society. Technology transfer is a key mechanism used by universities around the world to capitalize the value of innovation.

Globaltech has developed this program for academic and research institutions to motivate and train the university technology transfer personnel and researchers, to help universities set up appropriate rules and strategies, to evaluate and identify high-potential projects, and to help researches find partners to bring their projects to market.

By the end of this program, Universities and research labs will have a documented and evaluated inventory of projects ready to publish in their websites, a motivated group of researchers, and recommendations of the best projects to invest in, for future technology transfer.

The Program

The program prepared by the Globaltech team includes 4 phases.

1. Technology Transfer workshop : This 3-day workshop, open to all researchers, technology transfer academic personnel, and eventual partners of the school of business, discusses the benefits of the technology transfer process and the technology commercialization, and the best practices for the creation of new businesses.

2. Individual Mentoring. Over 10 weeks, assigned consultants will review the projects with the researchers to verify their technical and commercial potential, will design a strategy , will identify potential partners and clients and will build collateral material.

3. Project’ s evaluation : Globaltech will evaluate the projects, will make final recommendations for each project, and will make suggestions to continue the process with the most promising projects.

4. Transfer operation rules; Globaltech will review the existing rules and will make recommendations according to the best practices of technology transfer used in Universities like Stanford.

Methodology and content

Local workshop (3 full days) Will cover the following topics:

  •   The technology transfer process

  •   IP protection ( patents and methods) benchmarking

  •   Technology valuation and global potential

  •   How to identify incremental and disruptive technologies

  •   Qualifying the maturity of the invention

  •   Technology packages

  •   Alternatives to commercialize and negotiate inventions

  •   Different industries, different negotiation terms

  •   Licensing types and terms

  •   Agile transfer and commercialization models

  •   Finding early adopters

  •   The “Freedom to Operate” concept

  •   Go to market strategies

  •   Effective communication and collaterals

  •   The ideal team

  •   Financial needs and sources

  •   The process of getting funding

Individual Review (10 weeks)

In order to review individual opportunities, evaluate the project and help researches develop a plan, Globaltech will assign a consultant with experience in the area to work with the research team on:

1. Status of the invention
2. Market analysis and identification of sustainable competitive advantages 3. Market entry strategy
4. Basic marketing materials
5. Intellectual property strategy
6. Final presentations
7. Plan

Over 12 weeks, Globaltech will dedicate senior consultants expert in technology transfer and commercialization, strategy, business development and IP protection, who have closed deals and raise funding in the past, to run the workshop and work with the companies in the different phases of this program.