Government Innovation Programs

 Building and Executing Government Innovation Strategies 


 Establishing a program to sustain permanent innovation is a must nowadays for Government leaders.  Globaltech Bridge has developed a series of programs to guide Government executives on how to build and execute a Government  innovation strategy and roadmap step by step

Through workshops and mentoring programs executives of participant organizations will learn and work on how to take advantage of the different methodologies and sources of innovation, to build and execute their own innovation strategy and plans The programs use proven processes and open innovation methodologies implemented in the Silicon Valley in order to optimize results. They include lectures and workshop sessions that illustrate methodologies and best practices in innovation, a design thinking implementation to identify real innovation opportunities; guides on how to scout and showcase existing solutions, and a program to build and monitor new solutions supported by lean start up methodologies.

 By the end of the program Government professionals will have their own innovation strategies tailored to their specific goals, a pipeline of opportunities to innovate, the capacity to evaluate startups and new technologies that will be appropriate for their future success, and their individual roadmap of Innovation to create competitive advantages and sustainable differentiation in the long run.

The Programs  

 The programs offered by Globaltech include

  • A series of workshops on innovation best practices and methodologies to allow executives and employees to embrace the process.

  • Guidance and support on how to identify innovation opportunities and build an innovation strategy

  • Scouting for solutions around the world that meet the needs and strategy

  • Mentoring and monitoring the internal and external teams working on innovation

1. The Preparation Workshops

 Delivered by Silicon Valley industry experts, these workshops are aimed to executives and innovation leaders from governments and organizations to give them a clear overview of what is necessary to be done to identify opportunities to innovate and how to create a clear strategy and define metrics and execution plans, leveraging leading methodologies such as Design thinking and Open innovation currently used by innovative leaders around the world.

 Topics include

  • Innovation concepts and best practices

  • Disruptive technologies to consider

  • Methodologies to Identify opportunities to innovate

  • ·Applying Design Thinking methodology

  • The process of building an innovation strategy and a roadma

2.  Identifying opportunities to innovate. Building a Strategy           

 Building an innovation strategy requires an understanding of the global market and trends, and the needs of users, clients and stakeholders, in order to set up an innovation thesis and priorities and build a plan while creating the best teams and leveraging the ecosystem.

Innovation thesis: Through mentoring and collaboration, our consultants will help the organization executives to identify market trends and technologies that may affect them, as well as get a deeper understanding of competitive and gap analysis in order to define an innovation thesis for the organization

 Identifying innovation opportunities: Using the Design Thinking Methodology, our consultants will interview key players of the participating industry, including organization executives, clients and users, partners and distributors, to identify and prioritize main problems and unmet needs. A list of opportunities will be presented to the organization together with the identified priorities.

 Building an execution plan and metrics: Based on the innovation thesis we will support executives to prepare a list of priorities and a timeline of opportunities to be addressed, together with metrics, best teams and operations scheme (open or internal) and other infrastructure needed to address those opportunities leveraging the resources existing in the ecosystems.

 3.    Scouting and Showcasing Solutions. 

Some of the problems may have existing solutions or partial solutions that need to be identified before building a new one.  Using its network of innovative ecosystems in the US and Latin America, Globaltech will look for innovative solutions that can be adopted soon to solve the identified problems and priorities.  The research will include the main innovation hubs, as well as some of the leading universities and research and development institutions in the region. The identified solutions will be presented to the organization leaders over the course of the program.

 For those solutions not found, an open call contest can be launched, in partnership with an existing organization, to identify external teams interested in building innovative solutions to problems not yet solved. Local universities, startups and interested entrepreneurs will be invited to participate in those calls. The new initiatives and proposals will be showcased to the Corporation using virtual live sessions.  

 4   Working with Startups – Mentoring and Monitoring

If the Government organization decides to explore the creation of some of the new initiatives presented, a 4-month additional program can be set up to mentor and support the teams on building and validating their MVPs. The teams will be mentored by industry executives, technology experts and international business mentors in order to build a world class initial solution during that period.

About Globaltech Bridge.

 Globaltech Bridge  is the first Silicon Valley accelerator and Innovation consulting firm dedicated to bridge the United States and Latin America. Since 2005, Globaltech has been helping hundreds of Latin American companies with their innovation and expansion plans through workshops, coaching, and consulting programs, with the help of an elite group of consultants, lawyers, serial entrepreneurs, and investors experts in the latest leading technologies and innovation practices.


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